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What is ICT in Education?

Every area of ​​modern life is influenced by information and communication technology. Today the increasing use of computers and internet has brought education closer through information and communication technology. ICT has influenced every part of education, such as components, methods, techniques, teaching objectives, teaching process, research etc. All these are incomplete without information and communication technology.

Now ICT is playing a very important role in education, ICT has great importance in higher education also. ICT in higher education ranges from investments to technologies used to address key issues of management, efficiency, quality, research and innovation. The introduction of has had a deep impact on the entire education process. I feel that now the entire education system is incomplete without ICT. Read the complete article for complete information.


What is ICT in Education?

ICT-Information and Communication Technology is a broad field, which includes all types of technology for communication of information. It is the technology that enables the manipulation (creation, storage and use) of information and facilitates the transmission of information through various means of communication (radio, television, cell phones, computers, hardware and software, various services and applications).

The development of ICT has had a huge impact in areas like education. This article is focusing on What is ICT in Education? ICT is an effective tool for expanding educational opportunities, significant development in the field of education and enhancing the quality of education.

The key factors in adopting ICT in education are the goals of any system, programs and curriculum, teaching and learning methods, teaching materials and resources, communication, support and delivery systems, student teachers, staff and other experts, management and evaluation. Therefore, implementation of ICT is definitely improving education.

The use of computer based teaching techniques in teaching has been adopted by all the institutions of the world. The diversity of words and symbols is the great power of computers and is central to educational endeavors. 

Teaching is becoming more interesting and easier through online education in e-learning and distance learning programs. Through the Internet and the World Wide Web, teachers can reach their students and teach them from home.

The Internet is the supreme repository of human knowledge. ICT allows the creation of digital resources such as digital libraries, where students, teachers and professionals can access research materials and course materials. 

ICT provides opportunities to control, coordinate and monitor the day-to-day administrative activities of an educational institution in an easy and transparent manner. 

Information like registration/enrolment, course allotment, attendance monitoring, time table/class schedule, applying for admission, checking admission of students can be found through e-media.

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What is ICT?

It is a technology that deals with devices and resources communicating about communication devices. All technologies used for information and communication come under ICT.

We all use the internet, so ICT is also responsible for this. It is only through ICT that we are able to use the Internet on any device. If there is no ICT at present then no person will be able to use the Internet because the work of connecting the Internet to any device is done by ICT only.

The full name of ICT is Information and Communication Technology. ICT is the basis of a computer-based information system that includes information exchange, information collection, transformation, broadcasting media and all types of audio and video processing. Many different technologies are used in it, due to which it is capable of doing many tasks. All types of technology come under ICT.

Whether we use television, mobile, computer, radio, teaching machine or any other equipment or use any type of application like network, hardware, software, storage etc., all these facilities are available to you only through ICT. For example, the signals required to send or receive a photo, video or any other information from a mobile phone comes under communication technology.

Use of ICT in the field of education

ICT has special importance in meeting the increasing demand for education and increasing the educational level of students. ICT has a very important place in the education sector. Its use is explained below-

1. The use of ICT motivates students, increases their interest in lessons and makes the learning process easier.

2. Through the internet, teachers can get more and more information along with pictures related to the subject of art. This helps him in presenting the lesson.

3. Computer aided learning develops imagination power in students, because with the help of computers students see things as real reality.

4. Scientific process started with the development of ICT, educational technology developed in teaching-learning.

5. ICT encourages both individual and group work.

6. Through internet, students can do comparative study of art of different eras/periods and modern/contemporary art.

7. Students get the opportunity to learn three-dimensional forms of art (3D art); Such as relief work, clay modelling, hand pottery, moulding, sculpture, terracotta etc.

8. Often it is not possible to take students on educational trips for actual observation, in such situations students can benefit from the use of ICT.

9. ICT helps teachers to create advanced lesson plans. With its use, students can connect with art effectively.

10. ICT encourages students' critical thinking as alternative and challenging methods become available to students.

11. ICT gives students the opportunity to review, refine, reconstruct and revise their work.

12. ICT inspires teachers to use innovative ways to develop students' creativity.

Need for ICT

Man needs information communication technology in every sphere of life. Information and communication technology is required to send and receive any type of information.

There is a need to establish coordination between various institutions and departments. With its help, important information like transaction of goods, fulfillment of consumer needs, availability of resources etc. is easily exchanged.

It is easy to exchange mutual thoughts and feelings through ICT, be it business, friends or relatives or online classes.

Various tools of ICT

Computer : Various information can be stored in the computer and used when required. By using Internet in computers, we can exchange information through voice and written medium.

Mobile: In mobile phones, information is exchanged by speaking or listening or by sending it in visual form with the help of internet. With the help of mobile, we can easily exchange any information anytime and from anywhere.

Telephone: Through telephone we can exchange information through sound. It is a simple way of transmitting information from one place to another. The telephone has wires attached to it due to which you cannot take it from one place to another.

Television: Television is in every home. Various channels on television keep giving us different types of information through television. An example of the usefulness of television is that at the time of elections, when the results are declared, they are immediately shown to the general public on television. We also get broadcasts of many types of sports and important information from here.

Fax: In fax we can send information in written form to someone or receive information sent by someone. The person sending the fax inputs written information into the fax machine and fills in the recipient's fax number, after which the recipient receives a printout of the information in his or her fax machine.

Various components of ICT

1. Computer Hardware Technology – This includes micro-computers, servers, large mainframe computers as well as input, output and storage devices.

2. Computer Software Technology – This includes operating systems, web browsers, database management system (DBMS) servers, and business, commercial software.

3. Telecommunication and Network Technology – This includes telecommunication medium, processor and software based on wire or wireless to connect to the Internet, network security, encryption of information, etc.

4. Human Resources – System Administrators, Network Administrators etc.

Benefits of ICT in education

The introduction of ICT in education opens up innumerable possibilities in the learning process. Let us look at some of the benefits to understand how information and communication technology can be leveraged to bring out the best in students.

ICT facilitates lifelong learning, allowing individuals to acquire knowledge easily and conveniently. The use of ICT in education improve the collaboration and communication. Online forums, video conferencing, and virtual classrooms enable students to connect with peers and teachers from around the world.

Teachers also benefit from ICT integration in education. Digital tools and platforms streamline administrative tasks, allowing teachers to focus more on the core of teaching and personalized instruction.

Teachers can use various ICT devices like computers, laptops etc. to make conceptual understanding easier for students. It helps them to implement various strategies in the classroom environment to improve learning outcomes. They can effectively present ideas to students using ICT and leave a long-term impact on them.

To make the learning process effective, it should be a two-way process. ICT makes this possible. Even in online learning scenarios, there are different tools that different online software provide for students to actively participate in the learning process. It provides students with an opportunity to showcase their ideas and opinions in the most effective manner.

Teachmint provides you with the best LMS that offers various tools like live polls, hand raising, private and classroom chats, etc. to ensure active participation of your students. With Teachmint, online and offline teaching is seamless and effective.

Technology expands the possibilities for collaborative learning in the classroom. It enables students to hone their technical skills as well as their soft skills. ICT tools provide students with the opportunity to express their views through discussion forums.

When examinations are made online, assessment of students becomes seamless and easy. Performance analytics provided by various software helps teachers to understand their students better. Students' analytical reports help teachers to check students' understanding.

When students learn various concepts through animated videos or other technologically advanced digital mediums, their conceptual understanding will improve. As mentioned earlier, technology helps teachers understand whether students have understood the lesson or not. When teachers adopt effective strategies with the help of ICT, students will be able to understand the concepts better.

With the help of ICT, students and researchers have access to a lot of data. Abundant availability of data helps them to structure and design research in the best possible way. If students want to engage in self-directed learning, ICT makes it possible for them.

Information and communication technology not only enhances the learning experience of students but also ensures the smooth functioning of schools. There are various platforms to improve the quality of education in schools. Apart from this, many types of software are also available to ease the functioning of schools. Although there are abundant ICT tools in education.

Importance of ICT

The importance of information and communication technology is as follows-

1. Information and communication technology is the basis of the service economy.
2. Information technology is a suitable technology for the social and economic development of backward countries.
3. Poverty can be eradicated only by making poor people information-rich.
4. Information prosperity leads to empowerment.
5. Information technology brings transparency in administration and government, helps in reducing corruption.
6. Information technology is used in planning, policy making and decision making.
7. It creates new jobs.

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ICT in education has revolutionized the way we learn and teach. It empowers students with unparalleled access to resources, fosters interactive and collaborative learning experiences, and equips teachers with the tools to enhance their teaching. With the help of ICT tools in education, teachers try to make their students the best. ICT in education sector is beneficial for the students, besides it is making it possible for the schools to provide education in the best way.

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