Posted By: technopediasite
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Global Warming |
When the last time of the world will come, the sun will come
out from the west-Written in Islamic books. NASA already research on this topic
& already proved that it will be happened.
When the last time of the world will come, sun will be very very
near to earth & earth will become like a metal-Written in Islamic books.
Glaciers has started melting because of high temperature of
earth. Sun also moving slowly towards west direction, than how we can told that
it cannot happened one day.
The searing hot ball of gas at the heart of our planetary
neighborhood is home to almost all the mass of the solar system—99.8 percent,
in fact. Its surface burns at more than 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit and it
constantly spews out a barrage of solar wind.
But the churning furnace won’t burn like this forever.
Eventually it will expand into a red giant, frying the inner solar system. Too
light to explode as a supernova, it will probably end its life as a hot, dense
white dwarf—the relic of a stellar core.
Before its dramatic end several billion years from now, the
sun will heat up Earth beyond habitability as it releases more and more energy.
One to two billion years from now, as astrophysicist and author Ethan Siegel
points out on Forbes, Earth’s seas will boil away as the sun gets hotter and
Earth sits in the “goldilocks zone” of our sun—not too close
and not too far away for liquid water to exist, a fundamental ingredient for
life as we know it. But, as Siegel wrote, the sun is slowly getting lighter.
It's by far the most massive object in the solar system, but it's shedding mass
all the time. The sun’s gravitational pull forged our solar neighborhood,
attracting more and more matter to the glowing hulk.
But eventually, he explained, radiation from the sun and
from other stars scuppered the growth of our planetary neighborhood. “The
matter that would continue to fall in gets blown away, eventually giving rise
to our modern Solar System,” Siegel wrote.
Now, the sun is actually losing mass. The fiery ball fuses
hydrogen into helium—a lighter element. The energy from this fusion travels to
the surface, while the light helium drifts to the heart of the sun. Helium
can’t fuse in this blistering furnace, and without this reaction, radiation
drops and "the helium-rich inner part starts to contract under its own
gravity,” Siegel explained. This contraction forces energy outwards, slowly
increasing the energy output of our aging sun.
Meanwhile, the glowing orb is continually releasing a
barrage of particles known as solar wind. It spurts out even more particles in
the fits and bursts of solar mass ejections. According to Siegel, the sun sheds
a mass roughly equivalent to that of one Earth in 150 million years of solar
But fusion is the real kicker. Over its lifetime, he wrote,
the sun has shed some 95 Earth masses as a result of fusion. That dwarfs
roughly 30 lost to solar wind so far. The swelling store of helium at the sun’s
core will heat up our own planet as it grows.
Glaciers started melting
Three new islands have surfaced in the defrosting Arctic,
left behind by melting glaciers, indicating the sea level fluctuations.
As warming masses of ice retreat far from the Devon Ice Cap
in the Canadian Arctic, glaciologist Mauri Pelto as of late spotted on
satellite pictures the "release," of these three new islands. This
geographic change is a continuation of the change currently unfurling in the
Arctic, where things are warming over twice as quick as compared to the rest of
the planet, and in a few places much quicker.
"The far north Canadian Arctic is one of the most
quickly warming places in the world," Luke Copland, who researches
glaciers and ice caps at the University of Ottawa, said in an interview,
according to Mashable.
"On an average island you could fit a small town,"
noted Copland. "These are not tiny pieces of rock."
"This is probably the biggest group [of islands] I've
seen being released," added Pelto.
The retreat of these glaciers is known as the albedo effect,
which is the capacity of land to reflect sunlight into space — and in this way
decrease warming. Snow is a good daylight reflector, but warm temperatures melt
snow, leaving the glaciers to ingest heat and melt much quicker.
The shrinking has come into effect in the east, in Greenland
as well where the ocean is getting relatively warmer.
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NASA graph of Greenland's ice sheet |
Researchers have observed shrinking of the glaciers since
the 1960s, but things started to increase in the late 1990s, the reason,
obviously being the rise in global warming, as industries all across the globe
kept on magnifying.
"As far as looking toward future, we're not seeing
confirmation for the stoppage of what's occurring," said Copland.
"It's anything but difficult to lose and melt glaciers. They'll retreat
for the following a few hundred years."
This phenomenon raises questions about what is being done to
combat global warming, the results, and the consequences of which are quite
inevitable. However, recent approaches by the US as it pulled off from the
Paris agreement, and the reliance on biofuels inevitably point toward a bleak
future, unless the state becomes more aware and adaptable.